Spring Turkey Hunting Tactics

Turkey hunting odds can be easily increased or decreased depending on the amount of work you put into your hunt both before and during. For those who want to increase their chances of success, here are a few simple tips to make you a more effective hunter.

First, do your best to get out to where you plan to hunt and do a little pre-scouting.If you can’t be there all the time, put out your Cuddeback cameras and let them do the work for you! I use cameras for turkeys just as I would for deer so I know what time the turkeys frequent what field.

Next, if you don’t have a location to hunt, take a little time to go looking for fields with turkeys already on them.Find out who owns the property and start knocking on doors asking for permission to hunt turkeys in the upcoming weeks.Many times you’ll find people are more apt to let turkey hunters in than deer hunters, so it doesn’t hurt to ask!

When the day finally arrives, make sure you’re in the field plenty early.There’s no such thing as too early when turkey hunting.You want to ensure you don’t spook the birds off the roost, and by getting in early you let everything settle down and will hopefully go un-noticed.


Finally, all turkey hunters are in luck this year as Winchester has come out with the LongBeard XR in 20-gauge! This is great news as now there is a lower recoil option while still utilizing all the benefits of the Shot-Lok technology and everything else the LongBeard XR has to offer.


Spring Turkey Tactics, Part 2


How to Make More Accurate Shots at Turkey