Tips for fall hunting without bugs
I absolutely love those early seASON HUNTS, BUT ONE THING I CAN DO WITHOUT IS BUGS!
As summer is winding down, my favorite time of year is quickly approaching. Hunting season is near, but the prep work has been going on all summer. Between the trail cameras, food plots, hanging stands, cutting lanes, scouting and shooting my bow the season really does live on year round. Unfortunately something else lives on what seems like year round too, that’s bugs!
Luckily the ticks aren’t out as bad as they were during the spring, but they’re still out and we always make sure to protect our family and ourselves by spraying our clothing down ahead of time. I like to use the Ranger Ready Clothing-worn Permethrin because you can spray down your scouting clothes, then they are all set for 40-days or 5-washes. I do this to mine and Ben’s clothes, Jax’s clothes, and even spray Pork Chop & Ribeye’s dog bed and blanket. The permethrin not only repels and kill sticks, but also mosquitos and biting insects on contract. The best part is this is Scent Zero so you don’t have to worry about scent in the field.
Now that we all have our clothes all set I always keep a bottle of Picaridin in the Ranger or truck as well to add an additional layer of insect protection. Before we go out hunting, scouting, hanging stands, planting food plots or whatever we may doing outside this gets sprayed on and can be applied directly to your skin.
It’s a safe and effective alternative to DEET so you don’t have to worry about it destroying your gear or putting it on young kids. Not everyone realizes that DEET is a neurotoxin that gets absorbed into the body when applied to the skin. Kind of scary when you learn this! DEET is capable of eating through rubber, plastic, leather, vinyl, and auto paint among others. Definitely not something I want to put on my skin, gear or family.
Picaridin on the other hand is safe for kids 1 year and up, pregnant women, and it makes complete sense on why it works so well. This is a synthetic compound derived from the group of plants used to produce black pepper. Picaridin was developed in the 1980s by German Scientists looking for a safer, yet equally effective alternative to DEET.
When I heard about Ranger Ready Repellents I figured I would give it a try. It has a clean feel on your skin, and the Scent Zero was extremely helpful not only for hunting but time and time again I’d try to avoid bug spray because of the nasty smell and get eaten alive. Not anymore! This is especially handy for those early season hunts when the mosquitos can be downright awful. Every year I hunt Colorado and when evening hits and the deer start moving, the bugs do as well. When you’re trying to spot and stalk a big mule deer and mosquitoes are biting your face, hands and body it’s very difficult to stay focused. I love that these also come in Scent Zero and works on mosquitos, ticks, biting flies, chiggers, gnats, sand flies and No-See-Ums . Basically all those pesky flying insects that bite and make you uncomfortable, Ranger Ready has your back.
If you’re like me and you want something that is safe but still effective give the Ranger Ready Repellents a try. They have a wide variety of sizes and packages available and if you use Melissa10 you’ll get 10% off your order today. To learn more visit