An Easy Way to Preserve Hunting Memories

As hunters, we are always looking for ways to preserve those incredible moments in the field. Sometimes they result in successfully notching a tag, but always memories are made. Like everything, memories fade over time unless we have a way to spark that moment again. Taxidermy is one way to do this and is something I’m very fond of. However, there are other options as well.

I love looking at mounts to reminisce about the hunt and the experience as well as the hardships that were battled. But another way I’ve found is through photos. Most of us have cell phones that have amazing cameras on them so don’t be afraid to snap candid pics in the field. Take pics of animals, of friends, of your kids just doing whatever it is they’re doing in the field; especially if they’re out there just being goofy like kids do. These are the memories that will truly last a lifetime.

For Christmas this year I went through my phone and pulled a bunch of hunting photos from the field together. I then created a book with all the memories for my parents to set on their coffee table so they could share and reminisce at any time. Photos are nice to have on your phone, but there isn’t really a great way to go back and look through the pics easily. With a photo book not you can organize the photos and memories, and you can also add in extra information so friends and family can always remember where and when they took place along with who was along. These are great for kids to thumb through and get their interest peaked in hunting. It’s also a nice way to show friends and family who weren’t along for all the adventures.

If you’re anything like me, it’s the memories, people, and adventures that make every trip different and unique in their own way. Take a look through your phone and consider creating a book for yourself or for a loved one. The books come in a variety of sizes. Plus, you can decide on the number of pages so it’s completely custom to your needs. All the pages are flat so you can go through the book as much as you like without worrying that it’s going to get destroyed and fall apart.

Websites like Shutterfly have made it very easy to create these books by simply uploading your photos and loading the images in page by page or just letting the website auto fill a book for you. If you’re someone who is not very computer savvy, grab a kid to help you and I can assure they’ll knock the project out in a short time and have fun doing it by your side!


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