150 Years at Winchester and Bachman Family Memories


As Winchester celebrates 150-years, it’s only natural for us to look back and appreciate everything that has happened in that span of time.  It’s sparked families to share Winchester stories, new traditions to begin, and this anniversary has given us all a chance to reminisce about what’s really important.

On the shelves this year you’ll see collectible sets of ammunition products featuring classic Winchester artwork and beautiful packaging for a truly commemorative set.  It’s available in a wide range of calibers, but the 270 is something that will be extremely memorable for me this year.


I’ve decided to bring my Grandma Rose on a mule deer hunt in Colorado where we’ll be hunting side by side.  She’ll be using my 270, and I can hardly wait for the hunt together.  The crazy part is earlier this year I was going through old tapes and bringing the footage into my computer so my family could have access to many memories from years ago.  As I was doing this I ran across some old footage of my Grandma Rose & Grandpa DeWayne when they were in their 30’s.  They had just completed a mule deer hunt together and had their bucks lined up and someone filmed a little clip of them with their deer.  As soon as I saw this I thought to myself, I have to get my grandma out on a hunt with me.  She’s in amazing shape, a blast to be around, and full of energy.  For Christmas, I surprised her with a card saying I got her a hunt at my favorite mule deer destination in Colorado and we were going to head out there together.

This is a place where I’ve seen absolutely giant bucks in the past and I know regardless of how the hunting goes we will have an unbelievable time together.  So few people can say they’ve taken their grandma out hunting and I can’t wait to share those memories with her this fall.  She’ll be the only one hunting and I’m going to be right by her side for the duration.  Usually I shoot a 300 Win. Mag. but for this hunt a 270 will be perfect and give her the knockdown power she will need to take a big Colorado bruiser.

The best part of the entire experience will be the fact that we will be filming this for an upcoming episode of Winchester Deadly Passion.  Not only will this be something we can enjoy together, but my goal is to capture it all on film, make an incredible episode and maybe spark someone else’s interest to spend time hunting or shooting with a family member who would enjoy the experience.  At the end of the day this will be something neither of us will ever forget and I’m so thankful to have a grandma who would enjoy this as much as I will.


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