Melissa’s Yukon Installment III - The Hunt Comes to a Close

After battling sub zero temps, high winds, rough water and tough hunting conditions, my Yukon moose hunt had come to an end without filling any tags. It surely wasn’t for lack of effort, but that’s the way it works sometimes. Many people get the illusion that everything always works out perfectly when you’re hunting – that’s simply not the case. This trip was a huge success in my book, but no tag was filled and that’s ok. This is one of those trips that reminds that sometimes hard work and dedication don’t pay off, but what really matters is what the experience was like for you.

I met two new people who will be friends for a lifetime. We toughed it out in some of the coldest conditions I had ever tent-camped in, and enjoyed the entire experience. We were able to see the most beautiful northern lights I had ever seen, and had the “chance” to wake up to some of the coldest mornings with everything completely froze over. Clear skies are great for the northern lights, but you better be ready for some freezing temps on those nights. As pretty as the stars and lights were I know I was secretly hoping for clouds to help keep the temps a little warmer!

In the end, the breathtaking views and incredible scenery were well worth the trip. We hunted hard but kept our spirits high until the very last minute and I think there are times people need to remember that the success of a trip doesn’t necessarily depend on the game. That is something no one can control, but what we can control is our attitude on the trip and learn to enjoy the moment at hand. This was a wonderful experience and I can’t wait to go back again someday and try it all again.


Essential Gear for Tree Stand Sitting


Installment II – Hunting The Yukon